The P family {cleveland family photographer}

I love watching families grow and lucky for me, Bryce, Maria, and Dex-a-doo are friends! ❤ Dex was just about to turn three when we shot these family photos! He hilariously directed his mother, told me about helicopters, and motorcycles… and showed me his feet… I love working with kids of all ages. Toddlers areContinueContinue reading “The P family {cleveland family photographer}”

Oh film… how I love it {cleveland film photographer}

These are all personal shots I’ve grabbed with either my Nikon F100, my Nikon FG, or my Vivitar v3000s 35mm film cameras. I feel so much more relaxed shooting my everyday minutes. Clearly, I photograph my kitties often and a lot. We took some time at the Cleveland Museum of Art and played in theContinueContinue reading “Oh film… how I love it {cleveland film photographer}”

wendy b photos roundup {cleveland family photographer}

2018 seems to have gone by really quickly- I remember being freaked out about going to Costa Rica with my husband for a weekend trip he earned at his place of business. I get scared to travel anywhere (I’m mid mental breakdown about a trip to Maui, HI I’m taking very shortly). Even though IContinueContinue reading “wendy b photos roundup {cleveland family photographer}”

Space for everyone {cleveland family photographer}

Every year for the last five years, I have done family sessions for Jackie and her husband Greg, and Greg’s sister Leanne and her family. This year, Leanne moved away (all the sad faces, but happy that she’s happy!) and Jackie asked if we could do a family session… but with all the Fryz women! ContinueContinue reading “Space for everyone {cleveland family photographer}”

Fall Family Sessions are OPEN (cleveland family photographer)

The popular Fall Family Sessions are open, and spaces are *super* limited. I have available: Oct. 13th– 5pm  sold out! Nov. 3rd– 3pm sold out! Nov 10th– 2pm, 2:30pm and 3pm sold out! The sessions are 20 minutes in length. These spaces are best for families of 5 or fewer due to time constraints. SessionsContinueContinue reading “Fall Family Sessions are OPEN (cleveland family photographer)”

Extended Family session {CLE Family Photographer}

If you’re lucky enough to have your family nearby, you’re lucky enough. Getting to meet the Pienta clan this summer was a treat. I’ve been shooting for Joey and Mandi for nearly two years now and I recently got to meet Joey’s side of the family 😀 I have a feeling we’ll need to updateContinueContinue reading “Extended Family session {CLE Family Photographer}”