Photography RED FLAGS {a 3 part series}

In this third chapter of my RED FLAGS series, I want to talk something that can be very subtle, and tough for consumers to understand– business practices and how you can spot someone with little knowledge about what they’re offering you. If you’re local to my area, you may have seen someone post an adContinueContinue reading “Photography RED FLAGS {a 3 part series}”

Photography RED FLAGS { a 3 part series}

Continuing on from RED FLAGS …You’ve done the right thing- you’ve talked to friends and even checked out a website and see beautiful landscape photos! You decide to go ahead with this person and they agree to shoot your portrait session. They may even have portraits listed on their website with several price points. YouContinueContinue reading “Photography RED FLAGS { a 3 part series}”

Brothers turn 13! {cleveland milestone photographer}

Being an identical twin cannot be easy. As a mother to identical girls, we have been asked every question under the sun, and at the one and only TwinsFest we attended we were asked for DNA swabs, to allow strangers to touch and hold the girls (who were two!), and a woman asked, “are thoseContinueContinue reading “Brothers turn 13! {cleveland milestone photographer}”

Film Year in Review {cleveland film photographer}

Should I be blogging a bunch of catch up sessions from fall? Yep. Am I going to blog a bunch of catch up sessions from fall? Outlook not good. Instead, I spent the last three days (t h r e e D A Y S) building collages for end of year reviews! This is goingContinueContinue reading “Film Year in Review {cleveland film photographer}”

To say thanks… {cleveland gratitude photographer}

This summer, I read about a program that photographers all over the US were participating in. It was a way to say thank you, to the members of our communities who found themselves suddenly more “essential” than they had been prior to March. When a session was purchased at full price in the months ofContinueContinue reading “To say thanks… {cleveland gratitude photographer}”

Giving back {cleveland family photographer}

What a freaking wild ride 2020 has been, am I right? We learned so much about ourselves and the services we couldn’t live without, that prior to March weren’t even a blip on our radar. I have been trying to think of a way to express appreciation to the people who we maybe didn’t thinkContinueContinue reading “Giving back {cleveland family photographer}”

13 and changes… {cleveland teen photographer}

Milestones come at all points in life. We celebrate when our babies pick their heads up. We celebrate the first time they lock eyes with us and smile. We celebrate when they do that tri-pod sit. And then when they pull themselves up to stand… and toddle off. We celebrate their first days of school.ContinueContinue reading “13 and changes… {cleveland teen photographer}”

A look back at 2019 {my life, a personal post}

Well, that’s it kids. 2019 was something. This is going to be a super personal post for me, I’m not gonna lie. This was a tough one for me. The first five months of the year were just like, 10,000 kicks in the gut personally. Work was great, but man. This post is going toContinueContinue reading “A look back at 2019 {my life, a personal post}”

Fall Fashion guide {cleveland family photographer}

You’ve done it! You’ve booked your FALL MINI SESSION, you’ve told the family they need to be on their best behavior for twenty minutes, you’re looking forward to making your holiday cards and it hits you… now you need to dress everyone. “What should we wear?” The first thing I do, is look inside ourContinueContinue reading “Fall Fashion guide {cleveland family photographer}”

A little birthday love {cleveland family photographer}

My 40th birthday is fast approaching and the other night, my husband and daughters shocked the crap out of me– they gave me the lens I have been saving all year for :O There’s a cute story to go along with it. The three of them had gone out to shop for me last weekend.ContinueContinue reading “A little birthday love {cleveland family photographer}”

Fall Sessions are LIVE!

Fall is without doubt the busiest season for family photographers. In order to keep things easier and more streamlined for my clients, I’ve set up ONLINE BOOKING! yay! Sessions are $199 for a twenty minute time slot. How many files do you get? Well… as a huge thank you for keeping my business alive andContinueContinue reading “Fall Sessions are LIVE!”

Oh film… how I love it {cleveland film photographer}

These are all personal shots I’ve grabbed with either my Nikon F100, my Nikon FG, or my Vivitar v3000s 35mm film cameras. I feel so much more relaxed shooting my everyday minutes. Clearly, I photograph my kitties often and a lot. We took some time at the Cleveland Museum of Art and played in theContinueContinue reading “Oh film… how I love it {cleveland film photographer}”